Sunday, May 29, 2011

God love

Sweet, relaxing week.
I don't think I've ever relaxed so much before this week.
It was filled with movies, laying in the sun, and God love.
I was struck this week by God's love and how POWERFUL He is.
No wonder it says in the Bible that we should have a "Godly fear."
Reading some stories in the Old Testament just blow my mind.
Such awesome things that speak so highly of His crazy power.
But at the same time He chooses to m
ake himself vulnerable, in a sense, to love us so deeply are purely.

nothing to do.

so true.


I feel like it is so easy to get down-trodden by the world. That may sound cliche, but it's true. The real world really stinks sometimes.

Seriously, let's just be honest!

It's not always rainbows and butterflies. People are jerks sometimes. I know I'm a jerk sometimes, too. But it's easy to buckle under it all and submit to playing the victim. It's times like those that I have to sit down and read the same verse over and over and over to get it though my head that GOD IS BIGGER! He is bigger and better than Satan and all his evil workings put together. I hate it when I get so wrapped up in thinking how scary the world is and how evil people are sometimes...when really, MY GOD is soooooo much more powerful than any of that stuff!

This scripture and these songs by Kari Jobe are the lifelines I run to in times like that. Just that assurance that GOD is for me. He is battling
for me. He is protecting me! And He is continually healing me.

Kari Jobe - You Are For Me

Kari Jobe - Healer

Psalm 46 is so wonderful. I can't even tell you how many times I've read it this week. My favorite portion of it is:

Psalm 46:5, "God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Costa Rica Debrief

Last week in Costa Rica was...amazing.

I always feel so speechless after missions trips. I mean, what can you say? My life was changed...but I can't put my finger on what changed. I miss being there so much...but there is no place like home. So much happened that it would be impossible to tell of it all (unless you wanna grab some coffee or skype me!). People touched my life & I know I did likewise in their lives. Their faces, passion for God, and story will stick with me forever.

While There:
  • We distributed 222 Bibles to houses in the town of Santa Rita
  • 2 people decided to give their lives to God
  • Loved up on kids for 2 days of Vacation Bible School
  • Taught English at a local High School
  • Completed a work project at the High School
  • Put up a ceiling at the YWAM base
  • Did yard work & odd projects at the YWAM base
  • Went zip lining (!!!!!!!)
  • Relaxed at some hot spring pools (to finish off the trip)
I can't even explain how much fun it was to get to know all the sophomores & chaperones that were on the trip. It was neat to see people stretched and used by God. I loved the moments of deep, meaningful convos with some of the students. It was those moments that really made the trip meaningful and special for me. Being able to translate for the Bible Distribution was so sweet. I loved being able to talk to the locals and get to know them & share God with them. They were all so awesomely hospitable (inviting us in, giving us drinks & fruit). It was nothing but enjoyable. They are just so open and honest. Praying over them & their household was nothing short of powerful. God definitely worked in mighty ways.

Coming back from the states is always rough for me. I'm always late. All I want to do is talk in Spanish. I miss the food. I love being home but I want to be back there so bad. In the states I feel like so many things are valued so highly that really shouldn't be. Yet the important things are looked over. For example: tasks are valued higher than relationships in the States. We have to make time to put people in our "busy schedules" instead of the reverse. Haha...I sound like I hate the USA. I don't. I LOOOVE where I'm from and I couldn't be more proud of where I live. I guess it's just hard having 2 places that are so dear to my heart. was awesome. Great trip. Loved every second of it (well...maybe minus the sweat & being eaten alive by bugs bigger than my eye).
Thanks so much for your prayers & support!

Friday, May 13, 2011

oh happy day

So many wonderful things...
where do I start?!?

Heavenly tac

Cinco de Mayo fiesta downtown

Getting taught how to dance (involuntarily...but it was fun)

Rock climbing outside (for my first time! yay!)

SCHOOL'S OUT!! Officia
lly done with my Sophomore year of College-ness!

Currently obsessed with: midnight reverie chocolate & terra chips

freaking out about Costa Rica (I CAN'T WAIT!!)

And attempting to pack. haha

Lovin' it!

= heaven.

=so fun!

= awkward. haha.

=SO excited!!

=exactly how I pack.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


This has been a week of

It's so crazy to me that Osama is actually dead. I don't think we can truly grasp the weight of that event. The death of his physical and spiritual impact on the world seems to be too big for me to even comprehend.

On a lighter note: THE ROYAL WEDDING! Oh my goodness, I thought every second of it was so magical. I LOVED the style, class and poise of these two beautiful women in white. A toothless, eyes-glowing, little kindergartner described it best when she whispered, "It was SO romantic!"

This past weekend I had the (very) special treat of going to my church's Woman's Retreat! Oh man, it was just...amazing. I cannot speak highly enough of it.
Some highlights and quotes of the trip include:
  • "I can't have deep joy in God until I have deep trust in Him."
  • Taking a 1.5 hr walk through the forest with some hilarious ladies.
  • "We need to have a well-worn path to God where we are continually pursuing Him."
  • Taking a load off while relaxing in a hot tub, talking and gazing at Pikes Peak.
  • "You were talking ALL night last night in your sleep" haha sorry, roomates!
  • "We can't look at life to see Him. We need to look at Him to see life."
  • Staying up way too late, laughing til tears came.
  • Studying PSALMS 91 all weekend.
  • Worshiping & loving our God together!
  • Feeling God take my heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26).

This is what I felt like at the end of the weekend. Tired, but rested - all at the same time! I kinda want to drag a couch out into a place like this and just chill with GOD for the day :)

P.S. I talked to two random little old ladies on the lightrail today and it made my day. I love randoms ;)