Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I've been told, "You're ridiculous" more times than I could possibly count.
  This quote seemed so suiting for my life this week.  But as I thought about it, I feel this is suiting for most weeks.
  I'm not really sure how or why but I seem to attract the ridiculous, the madness, and the imperfections.

But, as I like to say...You've gotta rock what you've got or lose what you've got.
Either decide to own it or figure out how to change it.

Well, I'm not sure I can change how ridiculous I am or my life is.
Trust me, there are days I wish I did not dump yogurt down my shirt because I somehow missed my mouth (seriously, how is that possible?  It's been in the same spot for 20 years!).
Haha but, I believe God made us all unique and wonderfully flawed and broken so He can show how grace-filled and perfect He is.

Might as well embrace it, right?!

So, on that note, this week:

--I've been trying to increase my running distance lately.  However, each time I ran the past few times, my left hamstring got tighter and tighter despite my persistent stretching.  So, on Thursday I was stretching in prep for working out when all of the sudden....SNAP goes the hamstring.  Pain went shooting through my whole leg.  Half of me was in shock...the other half was just mad I wasn't going to be able to run.  So, I did what you should clearly do when you think you tore your hamstring...I worked out! hahaha.  I got on that rowing machine (pictured below).  I went so long and hard I was openly grunting (yeah...I was one of those people).  On that note, I hobbled my sweaty self out of the gym.  The rest of the night was spent with my good friend Ibuprofen.  I just prayed all night that it wasn't torn and put an electrical stim unit on it.  Miraculously, I woke up in no pain.  Hammy was all good.  I was walking.  Umm...PRAISE GOD!  Sooo thankful it's not torn.

--Sunday I woke up, got ready for church, headed out the door, hopped in the car and rolled the window down to catch some early morning sunshine.  Within minutes my head was ON FIRE.  It felt like someone poured boiling hot water over my head which caused a stinging, pin-poking feeling.  I thought I might have got sunburnt the day before.  Tried to ignore it, and kept on driving.  A few minutes later and my face, neck, chest were hot, bright red and super painful.  Trying to keep from sheer panic, I headed back to my house and frantically showed my parents.  By this time I could feel the heat going to my legs.  As I tried to open the package of Benadryl pills, just the light touch of my hair on my shoulders was super painful.  Finally I popped two pills in my mouth and headed for the couch.  Next thing I know I woke up super drugged out of my mind but I was out of pain and the rash (or whatever the freak that was) was gone!  Seriously...is this normal?!

--Poor Lynds & Jess had to deal with my drugged self as Brice escorted us to a hike.  I apparently could not walk a straight line or think clearly.  But, thankfully, by the time we go to the hike I was (mostly) normal and we had a lovely hike in Golden!

--Another one of my professor's mom was said to have only a few days to live.  Man, so sad!  So, another class hits the dust.  It's just madness, I tell ya.

--I LOVE DEMO.  Yep, that's right.  Demolition and I go hand-in-hand!  All of Monday was spent tearing down walls, pulling off drywall, smashing tiles and getting down and dirty.  It was so much fun!  Our house is somewhat of a disaster now but it'll totally be worth the final product.  I can't wait to see it!  Now when I am at people's houses I just think about ripping down their walls.  No joke.  I'm slightly obsessed with it.  Haha, just rock it, right?!

--Last blog I said Dad was at the hospital because of pain he was having.  Well, they couldn't find anything wrong so they just sent him home all drugged up.  He has been feeling pretty crappy all of last week and this week.  Also, he got another chemo treatment yesterday.  So, we are just praying that he will have a better few days comin' up real soon :)

My life is ridiculous.  I am [ever so slightly] ridiculous.  
That's probably true for most people (unless you're in denial).
So let's just rock it  ;)

love these girlies!
I just really love pretending I'm rowing on a lake while doing this...haha

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Happy (late) Easter!

So thankful for our God that made his son rise from the dead.
It's just crazy that we can live because He died. 

Easter was filled with family and food (like all good holidays).
It was a little different this year.  But, I can't complain. 

Hiked the incline last Saturday.
Talk about burn!  So many stinkin' steps!  It was awesome to get to the top though.  Running down I took a little spill.  I was just sad my knee looked gross for my cute Easter outfit. haha it was so swollen and gross.  But other than that it was so splendid!  I'm hoping to hike or do something outdoors every weekend when the weather is nice :)  We'll see how that goes. 

Yesterday was spent cleaning the garage.  Gotta love Spring cleaning, right?
Well, let's just say... we found some buried treasures in there.

Went to see the little bro play with his band at the Gothic Theater.
Check them out.  Their band's name is "The Fairgrounds"

Dad has been continuing with chemo treatment.
He's at the hospital right now with mom. He was having symptoms like he had when his lung collapsed.  They said his lung didn't collapse but they are still trying to figure out what is wrong.

This week at school has been INSANE.
It's that time of year again when everything is due at once.

Last Thursday was such a weird day at school because:
1. One of my teachers told us she was canceling class for the rest of the year.  She said her mom was diagnosed with cancer and she had to go out to be with her.  So crazy/shocking/sad.  Keep her in your prayers!

2. Was waiting for the lightrail when a homeless guy came up to me and asked if I had spare change.  I said no.  Then, for some reason, we started talking.  Haha, we ended up talking for at least fifteen minutes about the meaning of life and what keeps you going.  Have you ever had one of those moments when you think, "Wow.  That had to have been planned by God"?  It was such a moment and it was really obvious it was from God.  Anyways, this old gent's name was Nick.  Pray he will come to see God as the one he truly needs.

3. Once on the lightrail, I witnessed a drug deal. haha you think I'm joking.  I'm not.  One guy paid his friend $50 for weed.  Then the lady across from me leaned across the aisle to ask the dealer for something.  The dealer told her he only had weed.  With wide, creepy eyes and twitching shoulders, she said she needed, "the other stuff."  Ummm yeah.  Needless to say, I memorized everything about all of them from head to toe.  Haha so sketch.

View from the top of the Incline in Manitou



Gabbi's first Easter!

rusted old tools

used, web-filled mouth guard. haha so gross...

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Woah, woah, woah.
It's already APRIL!?!
This is just madness, I tell ya.  Time is flying by!

Spring break has already come and gone.  It was filled with blissful, extended amounts of time outdoors hiking or running.  Haha I got so sunburnt.  It was great.  Everyone deserves at least a few days off to enjoy the sun every once in a while.  It clears the mind.  Makes everything seem alright with the world again.  If it were up to me, I would spend one day in the city with society then run away to the mountains and just live outdoors.  One day of real life, then one day of sheer bliss.  Haha...I can dream, right?

This week I'm off work!  Woohoo!  It feels like I have Spring break all over again.  Well...kinda.  Projects and papers seem to be piling up in this final month of school.  That's how it always is though.  
Just one more month.  Just one more month.  Just one more month!

Over the course of the last few weeks, dad had to go to the hospital once.  He was having severe abdomen pain and had to stay over night.  But, thankfully they were able to fix that with no problem.  While we were there, they found that part of his lung was collapsed again.  However, they were unable to operate on it so they just told him to stay on lots of oxygen.  Also...

drum roll please...

they said the tumors have shrunk a little bit!! Wwwwwoooooooooohooooo!  Praise God!  We're praying that continues in these coming months.

So, he is continuing with chemo treatment.  They want him to keep doing chemo until the tumors stop shrinking.  With this glimmer of hope, dad seems to be in higher spirits and is currently making plans for a long fishing trip.  He's been wanting to go fish for over two years now so I'm thinkin' this is the Summer to do it (Lord willing)!  I'm praying he'll continue to feel better so we're able to do some of the things he has been dreaming about during these rough winter months. 

This last weekend was so stinkin' wonderful and gorgeous!  I got to spend a few days on Mount Evans with the college group from my church.  Hahaha...it was totally ridiculous, hilarious, and just altogether great.  We played card games, cooked, drank delish coffee, roasted marshmallows, played Korean games that involved slapping each other, improv, deep conversations, building a fire by the lake at midnight, falling asleep to the crackling of the fire, hiking, running, playing in the river, and getting to know each other...real well.  So thankful for awesome friends, God, and gorgeous mountains.

I could look at this everyday.  Never gets old.


adventure downtown: on the hunt for a bridesmaid dress!

Reading this in the ER.  haha I love this book.

sunrise in the city 

every once in a while...I love downtown