Sunday, May 27, 2012


"The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. 
My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."
-Jesus (John 10:10)

Satan's purpose:

Jesus' purpose:
--rich + satisfying life.

So many times I feel like Satan tries to steal, kill, and destroy our happiness, our hope, and our freedom.

This week, I've been so thankful that God not only combats what Satan does, but he wants to give us a life that is RICH.  A life that is SATISFYING.  He wants us to have a life FULL of happiness, hope, and freedom.  

And on that note, I did the COLOR RUN yesterday!!  The run is said to be "The happiest 5K on earth" and let me tell totally lives up to it's name!  I didn't sleep at all the night before - I was way too excited - it was like Christmas morning.  I ran with a bunch of friends from church.  The proceeds went to Children's Hospital.  While running, with each kilometer we passed, they threw colored corn starch at us.  Each kilometer was a different color and at the end, with colored packets in hand, everyone threw the color at each other! It was just an insane explosion of color and bliss!  I think I was laughing and yelling the entire way (maybe that explains my sore throat haha).  Man, I was just so thankful to be able to run and have some good ole fun!

As for Dad, he hasn't been feeling too horrible lately.  I think the biggest update is that his left arm and leg are not functioning like they should be.  The function in his left hand has become very minimal, making even the most simple tasks almost impossible to complete.  As you could imagine, it would be super frustrating to not be able to use your hand.  It has been really discouraging and frustrating for him.  We are really praying that full function will be restored to his leg, arm, hand, and whole body!  If you could pray that he doesn't feel like his hope and happiness is stolen, killed, or destroyed, that'd be great!  Also, let's pray a rich, satisfying life over him, filled with hope and joy! 

before the run : all clean! 

some of the runnin' friends 
10,000 people! 
finish line! 

These were used to help the painters at the house.  So awesome!

*sigh* someday...

Summer: tanning + reading + roof 


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Ya, blessings

As they say in Spanish, "¡YA!"

It's finished.
My Junior year of college has come to an end.

I know I always say this but seriously...where is time going?!
These past few weeks have been utter chaos.
At the beginning of this semester I never thought I'd make it through:

1. A night class (on my sketchville campus) or
2. Survive a Friday morning class

But, huzzah!  The finish line was finally crossed on Friday afternoon and I was once again amazed by God.  Truly, it's a miracle!  There were many a times I felt like I wasn't going to make it through the semester.  The final two weeks of school were a real test of patience, sanity, and trust.  I can't even say how thankful I am that I can not only take off that load of books from my back, but also that stress can come off my shoulders.  PRAISE THE LORD FOR SUMMER BREAK!  It still feels unreal I'm really done.

My little SIL (sis-in-law), Tirza and I went to Oklahoma last weekend for my broha and his fiancĂ©'s wedding showers.  Their wedding is going to be so stinking amazing, fun and adorable.  Can't wait!  It was so great being able to get on a plane and visit them.  It was the first time since Panama that Tirz and I flew together.  Great times were had, many random people were met, and it was so great seeing the fam!  It kinda stinks though...just makes me wish, all the more, that we all lived close.  Maybe someday ;)'s no real secret that running has become my greatest outlet for stress, right?  Well, it's true.  A good, long run could improve even the worst day.  MMmm yeah, well, after my little hamstring decided it no longer liked me running on it, I broke down and had to get new running shoes.  Because of numerous happenings, I was running-shoe-less for a little over two weeks.  And that is what I truly consider torture.  I thought I was going to go insane.  But, in all honesty, I think it was good for me.  Taught me a little patience, and I found there were other things I could be spending time on.  But man, when that package showed up on my doorstep I screamed and jumped with excitement, ripped the box open, and ran out the door with them (while singing "I'm Walking on Sunshine") hahaha.  So thankful for just the blessing of good shoes.  I don't want to take things like that for granted.  So many go shoeless everyday.  Puts some things in perspective, huh?

Speaking of blessings...last Saturday night I went to see THE FRAY at Red Rocks!!  I was blessed with a free ticket to the most epic night/concert of my life.  No joke, my mind was blown.  To sum it up: there was rain + fog + awesome people + city lights + awesome music + hilarious people watching + beautiful mountains.  Oh yeah, AND.....I TOUCHED the lead singer of The Fray! Hahahhaha yep, that's right!  He ran down the row in front of me!  I usually don't get real excited about "famous people" but I'm pretty proud.  Not everyone can say that, so I'm pretty pumped. hahaha it was just the cherry on top of an incredible night.  It was basically perfect.

Over the past few weeks dad did quite a few chemo treatments.  This left him feeling pretty horrid.  There were a few days he was unable to get out of bed because he was so weak and sick.  Thankfully, he is feeling a little better now.  He has been having trouble using his left hand/arm lately.  They are going to try and figure out what may be causing that.  But for now, prayers for patience & healing would be wonderful! Thanks!

The Martin household is still utter chaos.  Demo was fun for the first two days, I think.  After that, it just became insane and inconvenient.  The who main level is filled with sawdust and ripped apart rooms.  Not gonna lie, I can't wait for this to be done.  But it is fun to come home everyday and know it won't be the same as when I left in the morning.  Can't wait to see the final product!

Anyways, I hope you all are counting your blessings.
Life is too short to take things for granted.

Happy Mother's Day & Happy Summer!!


The Fray!!!

My new babies

a girl kickin' her heals off for Summer

looove Red Rocks!