Monday, February 28, 2011

This week has been....ummm insane?


But ya know, life is still good!

Favorite Quotes from Work:

**2nd Grader:
"Brookie?!?" (she looked at me like she'd never seen me before)
"Did you comb your hair all by yourself today?!?"
"Yes, I did! Did you?"
"No....mommy had to help me."
She was so amazed that I could comb my hair all by myself. It's awesome, I know.

**3rd Grader:
Girl 1: "Brookie you look like Bob the Builder."
Me: "I don't look like him. He's a boy!"
Girl 2: "No, Brookie. You don't look like Bob the Builder. You're pretty. You're like prettier than Taylor Swift.....And she's like really pretty...."
hahahaha, take that, Taylor Swift! jk

While outside he came up to me screaming:
"BROOKIE! Help! Help! Help!"
I turn around and he had a HUGE booger hanging out of his nose, half way into his mouth (being inhaled while he was talking) and the other half was dripping down his shirt.
He said, "I HATE sneezing!"
haha poor kid. I don't understand how such a little thing could produce so much snot.

I got the awesome privilege to go to the mountains with a bunch of college-aged ladies this weekend! It was so fun! We...
  • Went snowshoeing (my favorite new outdoor sport)
  • Played games (including the funniest game of CatchPhrase I've ever played)
  • Met/ hung out with some awesome girls
  • Relaxing in the hot tub
  • Worshiped our Jesus together (which is seriously one of my favorite things EVER. I just can't sit still when I'm in a setting like that. I've gotta move, man! When I close my eyes, I just think about being in a huge stadium in heaven, filled with people praising God. Like wow. It gets me SO pumped for I can't even deal with it! Haha...I probably should stop here because I'm getting a little too excited)
  • Heard from an awesome speaker that really spoke some awesome truths into each of our lives
The major things I took away from the weekend was:
--The importance of community
--Satan feeds me SO many lies, daily. I really have to stay rooted in the Word to be able to discern what is truth and what are lies. They gave us a sheet of paper with a bunch of truths about who we are in Christ (with corresponding scriptures) and it is SO encouraging! I love it! I eat it for my Spiritual breakfast in the morning :)Another MONUMENTAL thing I discovered this week was a "Brookie" (pictured above)
What is a Brookie?
A brownie inside of a cookie!
Let me tell haven't lived until you've had one of these. SO GOOD!

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