Saturday, December 31, 2011

the perfect Christmas.

Christmas came and went so fast!

We did so much in that week:

-Went to the Trail of Lights at Chatfield
-Did last-minute shopping
-Bought way too many Starbucks drinks
-Spent time relaxing at the house
-Cooked chicken Paprikash with home-made halushka (our Hungarian roots comin' out)
-Went to Christmas Eve service @ Denver United Church 
-Christmas morning at Sanctuary Christian with the whole family
-Ky and I got our annual Christmas morning Starbucks for everyone (12 drinks in all)
-Built an epic K'nex set with the sibs
-Played card games into the wee hours of the morning
-Took way too many pics between Em, Ky and I.
-Ice skating & hockey playing on Evergreen Lake.  One of my biggest highlights of the week. Playing 5 on 5 with all the bros.  Super proud of my two goals :)
-Two Avalanche games
-Shooting guns at our friends' ranch 
-Spending some good old family bonding time together.

This Christmas was pretty different from Christmases past.  Our family seems to be continually growing so this year seemed especially crazy.  Any activity we wanted to do required at least three cars.  I felt like a little mother hen counting heads to make sure we had everyone.  There were definitely moments when there were three different sources of music playing, people laughing, dog barking, and people yelling over each other to talk. Haha but I wouldn't have traded it for anything.  It has become a rare treat, a special blessing, to have everyone together.  

I would be lying I said it was all pure bliss.  It wasn't a "perfect" holiday.  Dad felt really bad most of the time.  Stress levels were high.  There were prayer & tear filled nights.  People got on each others' nerves.  But the fact that we could all be together for it, to cherish the good times and support each other in the hard times, is really what makes it.  That's really all that matters in the end.  There will always be something that goes wrong - like a leaking roof on Christmas - but that's just a part of life.  It keeps it interesting and, in a strange way, brings us closer together.  And that, truly, is what makes for a perfect Christmas.  

To be close to the ones you love.  

Making memories that last for years.   

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