Thursday, May 5, 2011


This has been a week of

It's so crazy to me that Osama is actually dead. I don't think we can truly grasp the weight of that event. The death of his physical and spiritual impact on the world seems to be too big for me to even comprehend.

On a lighter note: THE ROYAL WEDDING! Oh my goodness, I thought every second of it was so magical. I LOVED the style, class and poise of these two beautiful women in white. A toothless, eyes-glowing, little kindergartner described it best when she whispered, "It was SO romantic!"

This past weekend I had the (very) special treat of going to my church's Woman's Retreat! Oh man, it was just...amazing. I cannot speak highly enough of it.
Some highlights and quotes of the trip include:
  • "I can't have deep joy in God until I have deep trust in Him."
  • Taking a 1.5 hr walk through the forest with some hilarious ladies.
  • "We need to have a well-worn path to God where we are continually pursuing Him."
  • Taking a load off while relaxing in a hot tub, talking and gazing at Pikes Peak.
  • "You were talking ALL night last night in your sleep" haha sorry, roomates!
  • "We can't look at life to see Him. We need to look at Him to see life."
  • Staying up way too late, laughing til tears came.
  • Studying PSALMS 91 all weekend.
  • Worshiping & loving our God together!
  • Feeling God take my heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26).

This is what I felt like at the end of the weekend. Tired, but rested - all at the same time! I kinda want to drag a couch out into a place like this and just chill with GOD for the day :)

P.S. I talked to two random little old ladies on the lightrail today and it made my day. I love randoms ;)

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing blog this is. Loved hearing about your retreat. You are blessed!
